The former Minister of Health, Agnès Buzyn, has presented the roadmap "Taking care of obesity 2019-2022" and set up a committee responsible for monitoring it. Eight million French people are affected by this chronic and complex pathology.

The challenge is to better prevent it, to better coordinate all the health professionals around the patient from its identification to the treatment of its complications. It is also to better treat this affection, in particular its severe forms. Bariatric surgeries, which have tripled in the last 10 years, will be better supervised and safer.

Due to its major impact on health, obesity has been the subject of many public actions for several years, including the Obesity Plan 2010-2013, carried out by different ministries, national health insurance, the High Authority for Health (HAS ), as well as patient associations and National Professional Councils (CNP). These actions are not sufficiently known, monitored and evaluated today. However, the impact of each of them, their coherence and their synergy, depends on the effectiveness of the collective involvement aimed at limiting obesity and its consequences. One of the main challenges of this policy is also to achieve a decrease in social inequalities in this area.