After the bariatric intervention, the surgeon provides the postoperative care and organizes the follow-up of the operated patient on the long term.

Long-term follow-up is often delegated to specialists with a competence adapted to your pathology and having a perfect knowledge of surgery and consequences. These specialists may be nutritionistsendocrinologistsdieticians, and of course the general practitioner if he expresses the wish to follow up. It is imperative that they have knowledge of bariatric surgery to know how to detect a long-term complication, during the follow-up phase. This period does not necessarily require the involvement of the surgeon.

According to the instructions of the High Authority of Health (HAS) the postoperative suvi must be very strict. Indeed, the second goal of bariatric surgery, after weight loss, is to have a life as « medicalized » as possible.

It is necessary to know how to adapt to each type of patient and intervention, it is necessary to monitor first the pre-existing comorbidities to the intervention: diabetes, lipid disorders, sleep apnea which very often are improved by the intervention and require adaptation or elimination of treatment (especially arterial hypertension).

It is STRONGLY recommended to be followed very regularly:

• The follow-up and management of the patient after bariatric surgery must be part of the personalized program set up in the preoperative phase. It is provided by the multidisciplinary team that has set the operative indication, in conjunction with the treating physician (eg general practitioner).

• Consultation with the nutritionist every three months and at least every six months is essential. Then the nutritionist consultation can be done with an annual frequency.


Dr. Bruto Randone

Clinique Internationale du Parc Monceau, 21 Rue de Chazelles, 75017 Paris