Dr. Bruto Randone, Visceral and Digestive Surgeon, has been practicing robotic surgery since January 2015 after obtaining the Da Vinci certificate in robotic surgery. It is from this robotic technique that certain types of surgery derive their full benefit, such as colon and rectal surgery. The conditions affecting these organs are often of cancerous origin.
The digestive surgeon uses the robot for different types of operations on the liver, pancreas, colon and rectum.
Therefore, a specific treatment requires the collaboration of several practitioners:
- Gastroenterologist for endoscopies
- Anesthesiologist to assess the surgical risk
- Radiotherapist (possibly)
When the file is complete, these practitioners must meet and give a written opinion, before proceeding to the treatment. This is generally supervised by possible chemotherapy. This surgery must be as large as possible, removing all the tumor and adjoining lymph nodes, which the robot allows the best, the robot alone can reach off-center regions of the abdomen at the top of the stomach or at the bottom of the rectum, sections are thus at a maximum distance from the tumor and the suture is performed under the best conditions.
Benign affections are most frequently cured medically, or by simple surgery (stomach ulcer, diverticulosis of the sigmoid colon, etc.).
Colon diverticulum is a "hernia" developed in weakness of the colonic wall. Diverticula are generally numerous, in this case we speak of diverticulosis. They are located mainly in the sigmoid colon (last portion of the colon) although the entire colon can be affected.
The most common acute complication is "diverticulitis". This is an inflammation of diverticulitis which manifests as severe pain in the lower left part of the abdomen, associated with fever.
♦ To contact and make an appointment with Dr. Bruto Randone, ENGLISH SPEAKING Visceral and Digestive Surgeon at the Clinique Internationale du Parc Monceau, 21 Rue de Chazelles, 75017 Paris, France, or at the Clinique Bizet, 23 Rue Georges Bizet, 75116 Paris, France, click on Contact